Wayne’s Story
What’s onWayne’s plate?
Wayne likes bacon-wrapped turkey medallions and turkey tetrazzini. The Turkey Shoppe burgers and meat pies are always a family favourite.
Wayne and his twin brother Mike, are co-owners of their 4th generation family-run farm. Wayne (pictured with Mike and father Heiko), works full time in the barn with the help from nephews Derek and Ian. Mike splits his time between the office and the barn, and nephew, Cameron, works in the Turkey Shoppe, the on-farm store managed by Mike’s wife Annie. Even Wayne’s 8-year-old son, Adrian is learning to cut grass and move turkeys, along with other jobs on the farm.
The farm raises only turkeys, growing about 60,000 annually, both toms and hens. The farm used to raise turkeys out in the field, which required heavy manual labour. Today, turkeys are raised in barns with automatic feeding, ventilation and lighting, along with vast improvements in animal nutrition to help achieve good grades and low mortalities. Wayne credits turkey breeding and feed and barn environment technologies with driving the efficiency of his farm.
Wayne enjoys walking through the barn on his daily inspections and watching the birds run around flapping their wings, chirping and gobbling. “I take the most pride in achieving a healthy flock with a good percentage of Grade A birds,” says Wayne. “We use all-natural ingredients in our feed rations from start to finish.”